Violet Flame
Segundo a visão gnóstica e esotérica a Chama Violeta é uma das maiores dádivas que Deus concedeu à Humanidade. Esta ferramenta Divina foi-nos disponibilizada com o intuito de acelerar o processo de ascensão e de limpeza kármica da Humanidade e da Terra. É uma energia espiritual invisível, que se revela na sua cor violeta àqueles que desenvolveram a sua visão espiritual. Nessa sequência podemos ver a chama violeta se apresentando do sol até o registro em nossa imagem na superfície de uma pedra.
According to the gnostrotic and esoteric vision the Violet Flame is one of the greatest gifts God has bestowed on mankind. This Divine tool has been made available to us to accelerate the process of ascension and karmic cleansing of Humanity and Earth. It is an invisible spiritual energy, which is revealed in its violet color to those who have developed their spiritual vision. In this sequence we can see the violet flame appearing from the sun to the record in our image on the surface of a stone.
According to the gnostrotic and esoteric vision the Violet Flame is one of the greatest gifts God has bestowed on mankind. This Divine tool has been made available to us to accelerate the process of ascension and karmic cleansing of Humanity and Earth. It is an invisible spiritual energy, which is revealed in its violet color to those who have developed their spiritual vision. In this sequence we can see the violet flame appearing from the sun to the record in our image on the surface of a stone.