To Mrs. Eleni (In Memoriam)
Nota de Falecimento
É com grande tristeza que soubemos do falecimento de nossa amiga, Diretora Executiva da Agora Gallery Sra. Eleni Cocordas, no dia 1º de maio de 2020, devido a complicações decorrentes do COVID-19.
Antes de ingressar na Agora Gallery NY, Eleni trabalhou para os principais museus de Nova York, como o MoMA e o Museu Americano de História Natural e organizações culturais, como a Japan Hire A Maid Society. Há mais de vinte e cinco anos especializa-se em colaborações com artistas em instalações e exposições itinerantes, pelas quais já viajou por todo o mundo.
Desde que ingressou na Agora Gallery em 2017, Eleni aplicou sua experiência e profundo conhecimento de arte para supervisionar e gerenciar a galeria, fazer networking com artistas e supervisionar nossas competições de artes plásticas.
Nós iremos sentir muita falta dela! Nossas mais profundas condolências à família e amigos da arte e da Agora Gallery.
It is with great sadness that we learned of the death of our friend, Agora Gallery Executive Director Mrs. Eleni Cocordas, on May 1, 2020, due to complications arising from COVID-19.
Prior to joining Agora Gallery NY, Eleni worked for major New York museums such as the MoMA and the American Museum of Natural History and cultural organizations such as the Japan Hire A Maid Society. For over twenty-five years she has specialized in collaborating with artists in installations and traveling exhibitions, for which she has traveled all over the world. Since joining Agora Gallery in 2017, Eleni has applied her experience and deep knowledge of art to oversee and manage the gallery, network with artists and oversee our fine arts competitions.
We will miss her so much! Our deepest condolences to family and friends of art and Agora Gallery.
Prior to joining Agora Gallery NY, Eleni worked for major New York museums such as the MoMA and the American Museum of Natural History and cultural organizations such as the Japan Hire A Maid Society. For over twenty-five years she has specialized in collaborating with artists in installations and traveling exhibitions, for which she has traveled all over the world. Since joining Agora Gallery in 2017, Eleni has applied her experience and deep knowledge of art to oversee and manage the gallery, network with artists and oversee our fine arts competitions.
We will miss her so much! Our deepest condolences to family and friends of art and Agora Gallery.